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来源:   2011-11-13 16:02:16【 】             影响指数             

合同经双方签字后,就成为约束双方行为的法律性文件,有关各项条款,合同双方都必须遵守和执行。 Dialogue A: I made a very close study of the draft contract last night./昨晚我仔细审阅了合同草案。 B: Any...

合同经双方签字后,就成为约束双方行为的法律性文件,有关各项条款,合同双方都必须遵守和执行。 VTb3158创业网

Dialogue VTb3158创业网

A: I made a very close study of the draft contract last night./昨晚我仔细审阅了合同草案。 VTb3158创业网

B: Any questions?/有什么问题吗? VTb3158创业网

A: Yes. There are a few points which I’d like to bring up. First, the packing it’s stipulated in the contract that all the machine parts should be packed in wooden cases. This can be done with the machine parts, but it’s impossible to pack a truck base like that./有,有几点我想提一下。首先,是包装。合同规定机器零件用木箱包装。机器零件可以,而汽车底座用木箱包装则是行不通的。 VTb3158创业网

B: I see./我明白了。 VTb3158创业网

A: Second, about the terms of payment. Your draft contract says that payment is to be made by D/P. This is not our practice. We prefer to have the payment made by L/C through a negotiating bank in France./第二点是付款的有关条款。你们的合同草案规定付款方式为付款交单。我们不这么做。我们希望经法国的一家议付银行用信用证付款。 VTb3158创业网

B: And.../还有... VTb3158创业网

A: And the third point is about arbitration. It’s stipulated that arbitration shall take place in China. In all our past contracts signed with you, it was stipulated that arbitration took place in a third country./第三点有关仲裁。合同规定仲裁应在中国进行,在我们过去和你们签订的所有合同中都规定仲裁在第三国进行。 VTb3158创业网

B: Yes, that’s right./对,是这样。 VTb3158创业网

A: But how is it that this time you wish to have it carried out in China?/那么,为什么这次你们希望仲裁在中国进行? VTb3158创业网

B: Shall we take up the matter point by point?/我们逐点研究一下,好吗? VTb3158创业网

A: That’s a good idea./太好了。 VTb3158创业网

B: Now, the first point is about packing. We agree to a different packing for the truck./首先,第一点有关包装,我们同意汽车底座换用不同的包装。 VTb3158创业网

A: This can easily be done./这很容易做到。 VTb3158创业网

B: Second, about terms of payment by L/C. 第二,我们同意用信用证付款。 VTb3158创业网

A: Thank you./谢谢。 VTb3158创业网

B: As for arbitration, in our dealings with many countries, arbitration is to be carried out in China. The Arbitration Commission of CCPIT enjoys a high prestige among friendly companies. Personally I hope you’ll accept this clause. Further more, the disputes that have arisen from our business transaction were all settled through friendly consultations. Very rarely was arbitration restored to./至于仲裁,在我们和许多国家的交往中,仲裁都在中国进行。中国贸促会的仲裁委员会在各友好公司中享有崇高的声誉。从我个人来讲,我希望你们接受这一条款。此外,我们生意中出现的争端均通过友好协商解决了,很少进行仲裁。 VTb3158创业网

A: I see. OK. The new arbitration clause is acceptable. Is there anything else?/我明白了,新的仲裁条款可以接受,还有别的吗? VTb3158创业网

B: As far as the contract stipulations are concerned, there is nothing more. Thank you very much./至于合同方面的规定,没别的了。非常感谢。 VTb3158创业网

A: When should we sign the contract?/我们什么时候签合同? VTb3158创业网

B: We’ll revise the contract this evening, and have it ready to be signed tomorrow morning at ten. How’s that?/今晚我们修改一下合同,准备明天早上10点签约,怎么样? VTb3158创业网

A: Perfect. /太好了。...VTb3158创业网

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